In the state of Karnataka, the town of Devanahalli is located in the Bangalore Rural district. The metropolis of Devanahalli is divided into 23 wards. There are elections for each ward every five years. A Taluka in the state of Karnataka is called Devanahalli. There will be 276,701 people living in Devanahalli in 2023. With 68.33 percent of the population literate, there are 38.46 percent of males and 29.87 percent of females. Of the total, workers account for 47.80%. Men make up 31.86% of them, while women make up 15.94%.
13.76% of taluka farmers in Devanahalli are engaged in farming. Men make up 10.24% of these, while women make up 3.53%. The population distribution of all the various categories of individuals is depicted in the Devanahalli population chart. In Devanahalli, there are 8.03 percent of laborers; 3.69 percent are women and 4.33 percent are men. Men and women make up the population of Devanahalli Taluka.
The literacy rate and population density of Devanahalli Taluka are both high. There will be 38,000 people living in Devanahalli in 2024. The city of Devanahalli will not hold its scheduled census in 2021 due to COVID-19. The data will be updated following the 2023 population census that will be conducted in Devanahalli. Although the town of Devanahalli's current numbers are simply estimates, all of the 2011 statistics are accurate.
11,177 of the total population was employed or owned a business. 2,676 women and 8,501 men made up this group. A worker in the census survey is someone who works as a laborer or farmer, or who owns a business, job, or service. Of the 11,177 employed individuals, 88.02% were engaged in Main Work, and 11.98% in Marginal Work. In 2024, there will be 3233 children in Devanahalli between the ages of 0 and 6, making about 12% of the entire population. Between the ages of 0 and 6 there are 1643 girls and 1,590 boys. In other words, Devanahalli's child-to-sex ratio is 1,033, greater than the average of 961, according to the 2011 Census.
Eighty-six percent of individuals in Devanahalli are literate, according to the 2011 Census. Therefore, at 77.9%, Devanahalli has a higher literacy rate than Bangalore Rural district. Just 74.45% of women in Devanahalli are literate, compared to 86.4% of men. 25,188 Hindus live in Devanahalli, as per the 2011 Census, making up 89.79% of the town's total population in 2024. Furthermore, 2,610 Muslims, or 9.3% of the total population, reside in Devanahalli. These are the religions of the residents of Devanahalli, as reported in the 2011 Census.
Eleven hundred and seventeen persons worked for the Devanahalli Town Municipal Council. Eighty-eight percent of workers claim that their work has been their primary source of income for more than six months, whilst twelve percent claim that it has only been a minor source for less than six months. 974 agricultural assistants and 1,409 farmers (either owners or co-owners) made up the 11,177 Main Work workforce.
In 2011, 80.61% of people in Devanahalli could read and write. This is more than the average of 75.36% in Karnataka. Out of 20,006 educated people, 10,997 were men, and 9,009 were women. In the population of Devanahalli in 2023, men were 86.47%, while only 74.45% of women could do the same.